JPL/Cal Tech Science Talks

Such As:

Special Astrophysics Seminar

Using HST/STIS data to Model High-Velocity Bullets from a Dying Star
Presented by Samantha Scibelli
Stony Brook University

Friday, December 18, 2015
11:00 A.M. in 169-336

The carbon star V Hydrae (V Hya) experiences heavy mass loss as it transitions from an AGB star to a bipolar pre-planetary nebula. Although extensive observational and theoretical studies have been done, the nature of the launching mechanism for these jet-like outflows remains poorly understood. We have analyzed data from HST/STIS 2-D spectra obtained at six epochs spaced over a decade. We present detailed models of the emission blob for the first three epochs using a 3D emission-line code, SHAPE. We derive velocities, proper motions and intensities for the blobby jet, defining its detailed 3D movement from epoch to epoch. Our results suggest that although the blob's motion is predominantly ballistic, there are small but significant changes in the position-angle and inclination-angle as well. The latter suggest that the blob's motion may be affected by the presence of a magnetic field. 

Worth a trip or two to Pasadena!


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